Tuesday, November 8, 2011

final draft


 Slum have a negative effect on population because the people who live in slum have poor living conditions, dirty water, and likely to get diseases.
                If were are to have free will that free should includes live life. People that have to pass trough slum, the only thing that slum do is destroy families and houses. And sadly the onl thing that we can do for dose people is to pray god for all the people passing trough slum cuz it like nothing easy to pass trought. So yea we have to help well we don’t really have to help dose people but that will be the best thing to do for those people. We need to show them that life is beautifull and like never give up for nothing and to be really strong and dose are the people we have to look up you know they don’t give up for nothing and enjoy every second.
            Slum is a really bad for people , like helping dying people to archive their last wish of waithing for god to do his part. That means that they can stop the slum is something that is just happen we don’t have control over that,if not we had a ready stop it you know like why let it to happened more if me know how people feel about it. So like slum is like really bad for every one not only for the people that are passing through that  but also us because is happening HERE in earth, and one way or other is still affecting us or is going to affect us.
            Slum……mmm slum is like something out of control that just happen because it want to happen, it just get there and star to destroy houses and more importance the families. Slum don’t look at poor people only or to reach people or if they have kids or not and that is what is more bad you know that is what put me sad cuz of that the kids that have to pass through slum. A lot of people had try things to stop the slum but is nothing that we can do is like a tornado or a hurricane you will never stop one of them of passing and destroying people as slum do the same.
            According to the people in charge or the slum thing QUOTE” according to the percentage, of uban dweller living in slum decrease from 47 percent to 37 percent in the developing world between 1990 and 2005.” That means that slum have decreased and that is good we have less people passing through and less people dying because of slum. That means are population is going to increase in a very fast time, by the end of 2011 we are going to have” 6,852,472,823.” That is a lot of people , and that is another problem to us, people of the job and everything like that.
            Getting in this we can see that slum is nothing  good for people that have pass that or have to pass trough that. So lets help those people by praying god  so he can made the things to change we don’t have control of that god know why he send that to those people and why things happened in earth. I just wich everything change and people not to pass through that you know .

final draft


 Slum have a negative effect on population because the people who live in slum have poor living conditions, dirty water, and likely to get diseases.
                If were are to have free will that free should includes live life. People that have to pass trough slum, the only thing that slum do is destroy families and houses. And sadly the onl thing that we can do for dose people is to pray god for all the people passing trough slum cuz it like nothing easy to pass trought. So yea we have to help well we don’t really have to help dose people but that will be the best thing to do for those people. We need to show them that life is beautifull and like never give up for nothing and to be really strong and dose are the people we have to look up you know they don’t give up for nothing and enjoy every second.
            Slum is a really bad for people , like helping dying people to archive their last wish of waithing for god to do his part. That means that they can stop the slum is something that is just happen we don’t have control over that,if not we had a ready stop it you know like why let it to happened more if me know how people feel about it. So like slum is like really bad for every one not only for the people that are passing through that  but also us because is happening HERE in earth, and one way or other is still affecting us or is going to affect us.
            Slum……mmm slum is like something out of control that just happen because it want to happen, it just get there and star to destroy houses and more importance the families. Slum don’t look at poor people only or to reach people or if they have kids or not and that is what is more bad you know that is what put me sad cuz of that the kids that have to pass through slum. A lot of people had try things to stop the slum but is nothing that we can do is like a tornado or a hurricane you will never stop one of them of passing and destroying people as slum do the same.
            According to the people in charge or the slum thing QUOTE” according to the percentage, of uban dweller living in slum decrease from 47 percent to 37 percent in the developing world between 1990 and 2005.” That means that slum have decreased and that is good we have less people passing through and less people dying because of slum. That means are population is going to increase in a very fast time, by the end of 2011 we are going to have” 6,852,472,823.” That is a lot of people , and that is another problem to us, people of the job and everything like that.
            Getting in this we can see that slum is nothing  good for people that have pass that or have to pass trough that. So lets help those people by praying god  so he can made the things to change we don’t have control of that god know why he send that to those people and why things happened in earth. I just wich everything change and people not to pass through that you know .